Puzzl HQ

Proceed to the reception desk to start the tutorial. This is the first time you’ll see the dialogue system, where you make a thumbs up/thumbs down to answer yes/no questions.

Training Room

Go to Tammy’s desk and grab the slide, then place it in the slide projector in the center of the room. Advance the slides to learn about the history of Puzzl, and then proceed to the storefront for your first shift.


This is the first section of the game where players will be presented with any puzzles. You can press the hint button on the desk if you get stuck. This sequence also introduces red harrys and the inventory (fanny pack) system.

PuzzL HQ

This sequence leaving the storefront and going into PuzzL HQ will unlock access to the first elevator and the daycare.


Directly across from the reception desk is the daycare. Go in and ring the bell to deposit the red harry you found in the storefront tutorial.

East Elevator

Accessible from PuzzL HQ. From the reception desk, go down the stairs, and to the alcove on the right. This area contains 3 floors you can visit and explore:

Floor 1: The History of Hooman Museum

Floor 2: Someone’s Bathroom

Floor 3: A Dance Club

You start the elevator sequence on Floor 1, the museum: